

In From Wallflower to Sunflower you’ll discover:

  • Why so many people in Western culture feel like wallflowers?
  • The secret that Claire discovered by chance and all ex-wallflower movie stars know about that has enabled them to put an end to their wallflower existence and achieve outstanding success in their lives.
  • The biggest mistakes wallflowers make when they are trying to build confidence.
  • The Courage to Change – how to get started walking on the path to a natural self-confidence – even if you have zero self-belief and low expectations of what you can achieve.
  • How to break old habits and easily create new patterns of confident behaviour the fun way.
  • Why it’s so hard to build lasting self-confidence – and how to overcome your toughest obstacles.
  • How to reverse the powerful decisions and triggers that made you into wallflower.
  • The nine stepping stones of the Sunflower Effect that if you practice this, will take you to lasting self-confidence.
  • The perks of being a wallflower – how you can make the disadvantages of being a wallflower into powerful assets.
  • 20 behaviours that Sunflowers automatically do
  • 18 habits you must stop doing if you’re going to build a natural self-confidence
  • How to Live your life as a Sunflower – tools and resources that will support you on the path to becoming the confident person you’ve always wanted to be.

Claire Schrader’s new book, From Wallflower to Sunflower breaks new ground in the field of confidence-building. A former wallflower, she stumbled by chance on a very simple and effective way to build a natural and lasting confidence.

She has developed the Sunflower Effect,  a proven confidence-building system using an adapted form of drama, that has assisted many hundreds of people move from “Wallflower to Sunflower” (to becoming naturally self-confident).

The book is highly practical, grounded in psychology and scientific research and offers a step-by-step guide with proven strategies, practical tips, exercises and free online resources.

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