
Sunflower Effect Confidence Courses

…and build a natural self-confidence the fast, fun and easier way

If you’re interested in finding out more about Making Moves Confidence Courses – you’ll find some basic information on this page. Or visit the Making Moves Website

Express Yourself Introductory Evening – confidence building for beginners

Discover the keys to an authentic confidence working through drama and creativity, and have a lot of fun doing so. You will meet a great bunch of people who are very much like you, and have an opportunity to stretch your comfort zone in a very safe environment.
“Claire helped me to activate my inner self and BE CONFIDENT!! I emerged from the session feeling really great and that had really achieved something. The next week I was at a job interview and I felt so confident – and I was amazed I got my dream job!!” Zahra Kaya

Take place in Central London

Intro Evening details and Online booking

Express Yourself Confidence Workshop

  • Would you love to Express Yourself and let the real you out?
  • Want to play more in life – and have a whole lot more fun?
  •  Want to overcome your fear of performing in front of groups?

In this one-day confidence workshop discover you will be discovering the keys to an authentic confidence. Release some of the blocks to your confidence and discover how to exude the kind of magic and passion for life that makes you look and feel god.

A fun and informal place to break through your barriers to expressing yourself with a lovely group of people who feel in the same boat as you.

Great as a good place to get started, or for people who live out of London.

“I did the 1 day express yourself workshop and can happily say that it was one of the most fun and liberating experiences that I have ever come across.”  Brian Chapman

Workshop details and Online booking

Breakthrough Group

  • Fast, effective and proven to overcome shyness, stage fright and inhibitions.
  • Designed for quiet people.
  • Build a natural self confidence that feels like the “real you”

The Breakthrough Group is a powerful course which will enable you to break out of your shell through the Sunflower Effect – no matter how shy, inhibited or anxious you are – and build a nautral self confidence  that feels like the “real you”. The course is designed in a way so that you will gradually stretch out of your comfort zone in a safe and non confrontational atmosphere with a very supportive group of people that you can really trust.

The group has worked for the hundreds of people with confidence issues, many of whom have been struggling to make changes for many years and report the group quicker and more effective than any other approaches they have tried.

“Thank you for changing my life. This course and the help I received from the group has made small changes every week that now make differences to my everyday life. That’s a big thing and the effects we’ve all seen are real. Thank you, Claire, for dedicating so much of your effort and time to other people’s progression towards how they want to be. Your enthusiasm and persistence and belief have been fundamental to the success of the course.” A.Q.

Course details and Online booking

Finding Your Voice Group

Terrified of speaking in front of groups?

  • Do you have a love-hate relationship with the spotlight – you simply freeze up when all eyes are on you!
  • Are you constantly being told to speak up?
  • Want to free yourself of inhibitions and to speak with confidence?

This course is designed for people who lack confidence in one particular area – speaking in front of groups or what is often known as public speaking. It’s designed to support you to overcome your fears in a safe environment.

It’s unique in that it will actually dissolve the symptoms that cause you so much stress: panic attacks, beating heart, blushing and the multiple thoughts that get in the way of your communication. It’s also effective at overcoming verbal blockages and inhibitions or if you feel that you are unheard by others.

“Since the course I have presented to groups of over 20 people, I have chaired meetings and have delivered an hours coaching session to a small group! I would highly recommend this course.” A. Williams

Course details and Online booking

“I Don’t Know What to Say”

Beginners Improvisation for Social Confidence Group

Want to free yourself of inhibitions? Be more spontaneous?

  • Overcome the “I don’t know what to say” syndrome
  • Learn how to bypass your inner critic and activate your creative right brain.
  • Become more spontaneous in life and be able to “go with the flow”?
  • Be amazed at what starts to come out of your mouth without having to think about it – things you don’t believe you could ever thought of.

Stumped with knowing quite what to say, when under pressure, or in social situations. One of the reasons why you dry up or go blank is because you go into your head and try to think of something to say.

This course uses an adapted form of improvisation that will enable you to bypass your analytic mind and enable you to respond in the most natural way. Then you will be amazed at what begins to come out of your mouth. You too will learn skills that will stand you in good stead for the rest of your life. You will also learn how to hold your own against dominant people.

“It’s six months since I did the course and I’m still seeing the benefits, thank you for the whole experience. I surprise myself sometimes as to where my confidence comes from in relating to people.” Peregrine C

Course details and Online booking

Painfully Shy

I was a painfully shy child, had a traumatic childhood and young adulthood, and was not able to be comfortable being seen or heard.   Claire’s expertise worked to dissolve a life-long handicap. I had spent over one hundred thousand dollars over twenty years of personal therapy for these trauma issues in my life, and Claire’s workshop was a more dramatic and beneficial change in my psyche than talking therapy had been.
Donna Bach, Naturopath, international speaker & facilitator,

More information about Making Moves Confidence Courses

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